Getting organized

So while I was working my second job the other day, I spilled coffee all over my planner…which may not seem like a big deal, but for me, it was pretty life-shattering (alright, that may be an exaggeration, but I was really upset). I’ve purchased a newer, smaller version and structured it a little differently. I love the Moleskin brand because I have plenty of room to write not only my schedule, but meal plans, Austen’s work schedule, cleaning reminders, weekly and long-term goals.

Then I realized I haven’t written down any long-term goals…and in my life, if it’s not written down, it’s probably not getting done anytime soon (or ever…). Thus, the reinvigoration of the blog I created — but never utilized — last summer when I lived in NYC.

As our wedding date draws ever closer (we are only about nine months out now!), I’m realizing more and more that there’s a TON of stuff for me to get done! That on top of two jobs, Austen’s 50+ hour work weeks, two puppies and an apartment that always needs some sort of maintenance is making me a little stir-crazy! So, let’s get started!

Goals for this week:

  1. Reorganize the pantry and laundry room
  2. Clean out the Tupperware cabinet
  3. Deep clean the stovetop
  4. Update my resume

August goals:

  1. Schedule a hair/make-up appointment for the day of our engagement session
  2. Collect guest lists from each side of the family
  3. Call the Bridal Boutique of North Carolina to get information on ordering my bridesmaids’ dresses
  4. Begin looking into violinists for the ceremony and bands/DJs for the reception
  5. Finalize Austen and his groomsmens’ wedding day attire

Longer-term goals:


  1. Begin my routine of going to the gym before work at least three days a week and once on the weekends (this, for those of you that know me, is going to be the hardest. I dread exercise, but I do have this awesome mantra as inspiration…plus, you know, our engagement session in three months with Nancy Ray Photography!) This means getting up at 6 a.m. on the three(+) days per week I work at Southern Bride & Groom and 8 a.m. on the three days I work at Gorgeous Gowns. I am sooo not a morning person…but that’s something I’d like to change.
  2. Stop wearing jeans to work
  3. Check out save the dates/invites

Other wedding stuff to get done:

  1. Chat with Fearrington Village about flowers, food and cake
  2. Favors
  3. What can be DIY’ed (mason jar candles, seating chalkboard for ceremony, etc.)
  4. Look into Shutterbooth services
  5. Order day-of bridesmaids gifts
  6. Stop stressing and enjoy the process!!!

Alright, that’s enough listing for now — my brain is on planning-overload!